Wednesday 5 September 2012

There Is Only One Truth ( Part 1 )

A good friend told me that negative comments have been lambasted on me in a very popular ACCA forum. He got very upset saying this isn’t fair and I wasn’t even given a chance to defend myself. We share the same principle that we won’t interfere with comments in Lowyat as this forum is supposed to be exclusively only for students. Tuition providers and Lecturers should stay away from the forum but this has not been the case. All I can say is they are so “expert” in the forum that even I would be fooled to believe that they are genuine students.
Tips to spot the Tuition Providers/Lecturers representatives: Look at those that seemed very helpful initially, trying to help solve new students’ problems and being overly-convincing trying to proof that they are students. In the subsequent posts, once they have gained people’s trust they start condemning other lecturers. They will pull back a while and then come back again. After some time they will roll over to another nickname and start all over again. I could be wrong but I am seeing the same style being repeated over so many years. They just never give up. Well, you know what I think, with the time and effort, all this could be better channelled to improve our lectures and notes and to take care of our existing students who really deserves all the time that we could give to help them pass.
So I browse through the forum ( and what I read shocked me. Whenever my students talk good about me, they would be shot down by other senior forum members. It is very sad and it was a tearful experience hearing the remarks and comments given. It hurts real bad and I took days to recover. Those few days are the hardest moments in my life and I almost wanted to give up lecturing, something I love so much and has been doing for more than 10 years. If any student who doesn’t know me saw the remarks, they would label me as a bad lecturer.
I never knew anyone would ever hate me that much. Worst of all, most of these senior members were neutral at first but later on turned extremely negative on me. These are people who has never attended my class and who doesn’t know me at all. I just couldn’t understand how this could happen. I can’t blame them because after I read some of the posts, I might even be misled, like what happened to them.
I looked back to all the SMSes my former students sent me after they pass their papers. I read every single one of them. I kept those SMSes and every now and then, I would read them and it felt good and motivating. They were mostly complimenting me for my consolidation method and teaching but what I read in the forum is entirely the opposite of what I have believed and known to be true all this while. I attached some of them here. It took me quite some time to edit the pictures to block out the phone number as I won’t want any prank calls to my students and certain message mentioned about other papers which I also blocked. I did not manage to inform them that I am using their smses for posting due to the urgency of this matter. I am very thankful for their gratitude of sending me smses to let me know of their results. This is the reason why I love teaching so much.


  1. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show it a thousand reason to smile.... There's still many student who needs yr lecture, so please don't give up lecturing

  2. Mr JOe, you are the only p2 and f7 lecturer in my acca study life.... Remember , you are always the best and ever.

  3. Mr Joe,You're the only P2 lecturer that was so impatient to teach me your consolidation method due to I wasn't your former F7 student. We can hardly find such a dedicated and patient lecturer nowadays and you're one of them. Ignore what those forum people say, a lot of students still need a good lecturer like you, don't give up lecturing.

