Tuesday 18 September 2012

TARC Homecoming

Those were the days, the good old college days when I was still a TARCIAN (name given for TAR College student); when I first set foot at TARC, things were so much different then as compared to what TARC is now. The old “Yum Yum Park” (name given to what used to be student couple’s dating spot; “Yum Yum” refers to the aroma smell of nearby garbage dumping ground) has given way to the concrete building block that housed the modern “Papa Rich restaurant” and a well-equipped library.

Architectural building blocks mushroomed everywhere in the college compound and what used to be landscaped trees and grasses have transformed into a town-like community of students. Unlike during our olden days where motorbikes used to dominate the college roads, now, cars are the chief transportation used. I couldn’t help but felt “aged” and perhaps a little nonconforming (a bit like what Captain America felt after waking up 70 years later, LOL).

Anyway, some things remained the same. Ms Christine, from SBS admin still looks the same after some 12 years or so, same goes to Ms Say, my former lecturer. How come nobody aged after more than a decade? Guess everyone discovered the fountain of youth here working @ TARC.

Well, my first class started today and during the first two hours of lecture, I am still astounded by the development at TARC. Don’t know why but I got hanged back; at a loss of words at times and guess, I still haven’t got the hang of things just yet. It was difficult to get a paradigm shift from being student before to being a lecturer now. And worst of all, first lecture is on perhaps the most boring of all topics in Financial Reporting … The Conceptual Framework.

But I did noticed, students were paying full attention during the lecture. Thunderous applause came when I ended the lecture 5 minutes earlier. Surprise! Surprise! I thought that ending the class early should be the most unpopular act by any lecturer. But this is extraordinary!!! Well, I figured the changeover of the Batch A students to Batch B students should possibly need about 5 minutes, that is why I ended earlier. Anyway, the Batch B students are lesser and not as crowded. My miscalculation indeedL!

After the class ended, I headed back to the car park and I thought to myself, “One of the reasons I chose to lecture is because I still yearn for my good old college days. Guess, I could never get over them and that is why I am still coming back to TARC”.

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